
STAEnglish is the leading, and the most comprehensive, source of information on Slovenia in English. The daily news wire, prepared by a dedicated team of journalists and translators, brings up to 50 news reports, features, backgrounds, interviews, press reviews and other contributions, providing a broad insight into Slovenian politics, business, society, science, culture and sport.

The English Service reports on domestic events as well as Slovenia's international activities, in particular in the EU, Central and Southeastern Europe, and in international organisations. It provides in-depth coverage of the Slovenian economy, economic policy as well as business news, with a particular focus on privatisation and operations of Slovenian firms.

The general Slovenian news wire is the principal source for the English wire, but the English Service upgrades its reporting with own reports tailored to foreign audiences and comprehensive coverage of other media, including opinions.

The STA has been offering news in English since its inception in 1991, initially by subcontracting the translations and since 1994 with a dedicated in-house team of reporters and translators. The English Service strives to provide unbiased, current, clear and interesting news. It is also present on Facebook and Twitter.