STA stepping up fact-checking effort
Ljubljana, 5 September - The Slovenian Press Agency (STA) is expanding as of September its fact-checking website Ne/Ja (No/Yes), which aims to debunk myths on socially relevant topics and raise awareness of the importance of recognising misleading information.
Slovenska tiskovna agencija je s septembrom na spletnem mestu Ne/Ja, namenjenem preverjanju dejstev in razbijanju mitov o družbeno relevantnih temah ter seznanjanju in osveščanju javnosti o pomembnosti odkrivanja zavajajočih informacij, okrepila pripravo tovrstnih vsebin.
Spletno mesto Ne/Ja.
Foto: STA
Slovenska tiskovna agencija je s septembrom na spletnem mestu Ne/Ja, namenjenem preverjanju dejstev in razbijanju mitov o družbeno relevantnih temah ter seznanjanju in osveščanju javnosti o pomembnosti odkrivanja zavajajočih informacij, okrepila pripravo tovrstnih vsebin.
Posnetek zaslona spletnega mesta Ne/Ja.
Foto: STA
The goal of the project, backed by the Government Communication Office, is to step up fact-checking effort in the Slovenian public and thus contribute to the battle against spreading of misinformation.
The site, available in Slovenian, offers different claims being made in public about topical issues, which are then either confirmed or debunked. A detailed explanation is provided for each statement.
The public is thus informed about facts that contribute to better understanding of specific topics that are being discussed.
The website was launched in April 2019, just before the European Parliament election and has been checking facts ever since as part of different projects. It also offers information on other fact-checking projects.